My Shepherdhill Story and congratulatory Message to The school at 25

My Shepherdhill Story and congratulatory Message to The school at 25

I’m grateful to GOD for the privilege to school at Shepherdhill, at the time I did. I learnt a lot, I was taught a lot, I remember a lot, more. The school has been more than a school; it’s a family which gave me siblings from different tribes and different parents; friends who have not left my life; and memories which I would always treasure. This school helped me find my voice – as a writer – and did her fair-share of promoting me out of my shadows of worrying and fear. im grateful to the founder, her family and the legacy this school continues to leave and I’m glad that the edifice – made not by the hands of humans but GOD – has stood tall this long and would continue to stand tall for as long as GOD’s Will demands. Congratulations Shepherdhill, continue to restore lost values. Viva Shepherdhill!

Obafemi Tunde July 29, 2019

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